Summit County Pet Food Pantry

About Us
The Summit County Pet Food Pantry is a Colorado-based, all volunteer nonprofit committed to animal welfare and preserving pets as part of families. We partner with local food pantries to provide pet food for pets and families in need. Our goal is to keep pets with families and prevent pets from being surrendered to shelters.

How You Can Help

What To Donate
We would be honored by your support in promoting and assisting at events, transporting food donations, distributing flyers, and sourcing more locations for our donation boxes.

Where To Donate
We have donation boxes throughout Summit County, including:
Our Service Area & Food Bank Locations
We are located in, and serve the community of Summit County, Colorado.
Blue River | Breckenridge | Dillon | Frisco | Keystone | Montezuma | Silverthorne
- 310 Wellington Road, Breckenridge, CO 80424
- Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10AM - noon.
FIRC - Summit Resource Center
Breckenridge Community Food Market
- 1745 Airport Road, Breckenridge, CO 80424
- Open Wednesdays from noon - 6PM, and by appointment.
Dillon Community Food Market
- 340 Fiedler Avenue, Dillon, CO 80435
- Open Tuesdays from 11AM - 6PM and Thursdays from 11AM - 4PM

Our Impact
Pet Food Donated
Funds Raised
What Our Community Is Saying....

Are You In Need?
Please feel free to reach out to our s us directly to request anything from our pantry.
Our Story
During a time of nationwide pet welfare crisis following the pandemic and its subsequent financial challenges, community members have been unwillingly forced to surrender their pets to the Animal Shelter. As a result, our Shelter’s capacity and resources has been decreased and the function for which they were designed has been compromised.
As reported by Summit Daily News, in 2023, the Summit County Animal Shelter saw a record high of 157 pets surrendered, 72 of which occurred in four months. Sadly, pet surrendering continues to persist in our county and the Summit County Pet Food Pantry is striving to make greater quantities of pet food available and its distribution more equitable.
Summit County Pet Food Pantry is a licensed 501c3 nonprofit founded in 2024 and is committed to keeping pets at home with their families by supplying pet food to those presently experiencing financial hardships. Our Founder, Suzanne Ackley, said, “We just want people to be able to keep their pets at home, and one basic way of doing that is to offer food.”
In our short operating period, we’ve partnered with community members, local businesses, other local animal welfare organizations, local Veterinary offices, the Summit County Chamber of Congress, Town of Silverthorne, Alpine Bank, and corporate pet food companies. We continue to seek out local businesses that are willing to host our donation boxes or be a venue for our charitable events.
We hope that by starting this pet food pantry, the number of surrendered pets in Summit County will decline, and families and their pets will flourish in our community.

We're So Thankful To Our Partners!
These gracious companies have agreed to partner with Summit County Pet Food Pantry and donate any overstock or damaged items. We are very appreciative and feel it only necessary to provide them with an honorable mention for their charitable giving and community support:
Best Friends Animal Society
Colorado Pet Pantry Network Partner
A&A Pet Supply & Feed
Animal Lovers’ Pet Supply
Breckenridge Animal Clinic
Buffalo Mountain Animal Hospital
Farmers Korner Veterinary Hospital
Father Dyer UMC
Frisco Animal Hospital
Hill’s Science Diet
Murdoch’s Silverthorne
Royal Canin
Saved By The Wine – Dillon
Summit County Animal Control & Shelter
Summit County County Senior Center
We're So Grateful For Our Grantors!
These gracious organizations have supported the Summit County Pet Food Pantry with grants to support our mission. We are very grateful for their generosity and want to acknowledge their charitable giving and community support:
Contact Us

Summit County Pet Food Pantry has earned a Platinum Seal of Transparency with Candid Guidestar